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Black bin bags in Granada

On Saturday we renamed "Henry", “The Puppeteer”. We changed the first page on monologue. We cut lots of exposition, we re-retranslated the subtitles (thank you Ana!), we re-programmed some cues and premiered in Spain to an audience of 400 people who love The Table. We also added a shopping trolley dance with 3 shopping trolleys. It was pretty hard to perform but we got through it and the audience was encouraging and generous. A critic was not so kind, once again he mistook my piss-take of an egotistical director for me being egotistical director. (I probably am but...)

Feedback from the festival and audiences suggested 3 things: 1 - people didn’t like it as much as the Table. 2 - People applauded us for going in completely new direction. 3 - The idea of doing a show about a puppeteer has potential and some people were moved.

It feels good to be showing something new, and at the same time it feels horrible not to be giving audiences what they want. But in the end I have no choice. You can’t make something new without making something new.

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