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Covid Premiere

You had to submit your name, address, email and telephone number. You had to bring ID and your name is on the ticket. Everyone sat in households with one seat between each of us. We had to wear masks until the lights went down. There were 1200 out of a capacity 1700 seats in the house. It was live broadcast on TV. And it went well. At the end the ovation was oddly quiet, and people left, but some people wouldn't stop. Even after three encores and the iron being in they were clapping. So they took the iron out and the few who were left stood on stage and bowed. I filmed it from behind and someone thought a tourist had got on the stage.

Afterwards there was a small party backstage but no guests were allowed to come so we were strangely isolated from our friends that had come to see the show. They waited for us outside, and then they phoned to say they were going to go home. Inside there was a bar for red lanyard people, and a bar for orange lanyard people. There was a wall between which we huddled around and talked over. Then we all went out in Vienna and tried not to think about the mixed logic.

Video - 10 minutes arfter closing the iron, they opened it again

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