
Jun 29, 2019
Wolf eye experiments
Two piece construction 3 pieces...

Jun 24, 2019
Hanging in there...
First assembly of Peter (in his underwear)

Jun 21, 2019
Peter as Andy Warhol...
#summer #cool #sunshine

Jun 19, 2019
View from the stage...
Ruth Paton makes some notes: "Blimey it's huge!"

Jun 19, 2019
Design has to tell a story
Audiences ask immediately what family are these objects a part of? Who is missing? Who are we expecting to see? Here Peter and the bird...

Jun 18, 2019
Experiment as much as you can before rehearsals
Daniel hay Gordon and Patricia Langa spend a day in the studio figuring out some movement sequences for the characters in Peter and the...
Jun 14, 2019
Performance is reverse engineering.
The job of performing is to take a 2D script and turn it into a 3D performance. The script is like a footpath marked on a map. There is...
Jun 10, 2019
Acting is...
“Acting is doing things truthfully under imaginary circumstances.” As Meisner said.
Jun 6, 2019
Always say yes to artists - they give you a new perspective
US photographer Maundy Mitchell emailed me to ask if she could take my photograph for her series "Life's Work". It would take a few...

Jun 6, 2019
If you can "name the look" then you're going in the right direction
This is the latest Peter head. Sculpted by Ruth Paton and cast in fibreglass. He was painted by Fiona Clift inspired by ballet make up...