
Apr 19, 2019
Apr 18, 2019
Photo-history of the Hollywood Bowl
Starting from a piano on a platform in 1920... Note the "Bonnie...
Apr 16, 2019
So I'm just getting my head around the task ahead... The Hollywood Bowl has 17000 seats. That means that most people watch the...

Apr 12, 2019
Duck test on the Passerelle
Mark on camera, Ruth in the Duck
Apr 7, 2019
Tune versus orchestration in Peter and the Wolf
Ok so I just realised that I've been confusing something about Peter and the Wolf that is actually very simple to unconfuse. I have been...

Apr 1, 2019
Ruth’s first diner breakfast
Mel’s drive through just off Hollywood Boulevard

Apr 1, 2019
The view from my window this am
In LA for a day to scope the Bowl for Peter and the Wolf